3D 4D Ultrasound Specials

  • DVD of the Entire Session
  • 2D/3D/4D color and black and white pictures emailed to you immediately
  • Gender Check (must be at least 16 weeks)
  • Must be between 25-34 weeks of your pregnancy
  • The best time is between 27-30 weeks of pregnancy


*Can not be used with any other discount or special*


(***) In the event that you do not receive excellent 3D pictures due to your baby sleeping, hiding, hands/feet/placenta covering the face, or the baby facing your back we will as a COURTESY to you bring you back for ONE free visit. If your baby is still displaying the same behavior after the second visit you and your family are more than welcome to come back but you will be charged half of your initial purchase price. At Sneak-A-Peek Imaging we strive to give you the very best in 2D,3D, and 4D imaging and we will try our hardest to get you the very best videos and pictures for your keepsake collection. You can learn more about having a baby with these posts about hello, hello magazine, entertainment, entertainment news and more.


                             Cash, Visa and Master Card, Amex are accepted.

                                     No Checks, please

                                     Contact our Houston Office for any additional details

