We are extremely proud to announce…

SneakPeek is now available at 6 WEEKS into pregnancy!

In our most recent clinical study, we correctly identified fetal sex in 75/75 pregnancies at 6 weeks gestation.

At 6 weeks into pregnancy, it is difficult to identify male fetuses accurately, as levels of fetal DNA circulating in the mother’s blood can be very low.

A fetal DNA test isn’t sensitive enough can easily miss detecting male DNA at the time point. SneakPeek has spent years refining and improving the Early Gender Test, through over 450,000 pregnancies and satisfied customers.

SneakPeek provides the most sensitive and accurate (99.9%) test now available on the market for 6 weeks of gestational age!

Please feel free to click and read our Clinical Summary (below)!

Sneak-A-Peek Imaging in Houston Texas and SneakPeek Clinical has proven to be excellent partners! Together, we have made it extremely easy for hundreds of growing families to find out the gender of their baby months earlier than other methods!

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for more information regarding our 2D ultrasounds, 3D/4D ultrasounds, and SneakPeek early gender DNA test!